The Money with Katie Show

Need More of These Discussions 🙌🏼

Theories are ideas to account for a situation or justify a course of action. Narratives form around these theories. Katie and her team are speaking to the heart of working, middle class Americans (and yes! Also looking at you, all you “work-horse-rich” docs, lawyers, etc.!) Don’t think just b/c you’re work horse wealthy that you aren’t middle class - high-end middle class….yes! But still middle class. Just imagine how much larger your “piece of the pie” would be as well if $$$ was redistributed equitably… not equally!!! EQUITABLY 🙌🏼

My perspective:
I am a nurse - we focus on Evidence Based Practice. Components of EBP:
1) Best Available Evidence (research; stats)
2) Clinician Knowledge and Skills (experiences; what do we do and see?)
3) Patient Wants and Needs
(Granted these factors are impacted by insurance companies - they really make everything more complicated for patients and providers; nightmare!)

I think a version of EPB needs to infiltrate economics and business and I think this is what Money w Katie is accomplishing! We don’t pay attention to people and circumstances when discussing the market. It’s not simply “supply and demand.” There are so many deeper layers!

April 5, 2023 by JenH2008 on Apple Podcasts

The Money with Katie Show