Dec. 30, 2024

Chelsea Fagan & Berna Anat on Building Resources with Community, Taking Action Offline, and Consumerism

Chelsea Fagan & Berna Anat on Building Resources with Community, Taking Action Offline, and Consumerism

Connecting the dots between individual actions and policy.

Chelsea Fagan of The Financial Diet and Berna Anat of New Dimes join us for our last Rich Girl Roundtable of the year. We cover everything from women and first-gen communities' relationships with money in 2025 and beyond, to building coalitions in "real life" for the futures we want to see. Tune in to this episode...then head offline.

Rich Girl Roundup is Money with Katie's weekly segment where Katie and her Executive Producer Henah answer your burning money questions. Each month, we'll put out a call for questions on her Instagram (@moneywithkatie). New episodes every week.

Transcript, show resources, production credits, and more can be found at:

Money with Katie’s mission is to be the intersection where the economic, cultural, and political meet the tactical, practical, personal finance education everyone needs.

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