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The Money with Katie Show

Wealth Planning Episodes

April 13, 2022

Investing in the Age of "Overvalued" Stocks & Homes with Nick Maggiul…

What bubble? Should we invest elsewhere, or just keep buying?

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April 6, 2022

Why You May Need to Save Less Than You Think for Retirement

Running out of money isn't the most pressing concern.

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March 23, 2022

Everything's an Investment: Building Your Epic Spending Plan

How to get the most joy for your dollar.

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March 16, 2022

The Unexpected Problem with Your Financial Goals

Why your long-term plan will fail, and how to fix it.

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March 2, 2022

Common 401(k) Mistakes to Avoid: Fees, Being Overly Conservative, and…

Figuring out what to buy in your 401(k)? Start here.

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Jan. 19, 2022

FINANCIAL FREEDOM: How Much Money Would You Need to Never Worry About…

Today's episode is a deep dive into a concept that most of us have probably never stopped to ponder: How much money would I need to never worry about money again? If the answer is, "There's no amount of money that would make me stop (insert hyper-frugal habit here)," this episode might be a must-li…

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Dec. 8, 2021

#10: 3 QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASK YOURSELF FOR 2022: Annual Financial (…

Today, we're talking about three questions we should be asking ourselves in preparation for a new year. Annual planning (both financial and otherwise) is super powerful for achieving the things we want. Our three questions:Where will I be one year from today?Where am I right now?What's my one word …

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Nov. 24, 2021

#8: BETTERMENT CEO INTERVIEW: Financial Independence & Successful Inv…

I was excited to talk to Sarah, the CEO of Betterment, about some of the tough questions I've wanted to ask someone for a long time:COMPETITION: What makes Betterment better than, say, Wealthfront?HUMAN EXPERTS: How much human involvement goes on behind the scenes with a roboadvisor?THE FUTURE: Whe…

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Nov. 17, 2021

#7: BACKDOOR ROTH IRA NO MORE?: What High Earners Should Do If It Goe…

All right, maybe the episode title should be, "What high earners should already be doing regardless of whether or not it goes away."I'd argue that the Backdoor Roth IRA is actually the sub-optimal path forward if you've got W2 wages and self-employment income. In today's episode, we talk about some…

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Nov. 10, 2021


Today, we're riffing on a few things: How I discovered financial independence, what my life was like then, the progress I've made, and how my goals have shifted since then.Ultimately, we're taking a more thoughtful look at the way we approach financial goals and if – sometimes – we kinda miss the p…

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